Artist-in-Residence, ACLU of Southern California
campaign artwork and archival research
Creative director: Jenna Pittaway | Concept: Francisco Aviles Pino | Illustrations and graphics: Audrey Chan
WE KNOW OUR RIGHTS when U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is at our door.
We know not to open the door.
We know to ask for a warrant.
We know not to answer any questions.
But now, ICE agents have resorted to trickery and deception. Instead of identifying themselves as ICE, they mispresent themselves as police or probation officers. They use intimidation tactics to coerce their way inside of people’s homes. They tell fake stories designed to lure a person out of their home or to trick people into inviting the agents inside or give up information.
Visit to learn more. Scroll through the campaign graphics here:

On the Line: COVID Conversations
Produced by Jenna Pittaway and Francisco Aviles Pino | Video: Jenna Pittaway | Artwork: Audrey Chan
The On the Line video series features portraits and the voices of individuals made vulnerable to COVID-19 due to unsafe conditions in homeless shelters and ICE detention centers in Southern California.
Listen to their stories & take action:
Tell Governor Newsom we need safe housing for ALL:
Tell Governor Newsom to halt all ICE transfers:
Homelessness policy advocate Eve Garrow in conversation with Joyce van Nortrick, a resident at The Link shelter in Orange County, California.
Luis "George" Lopez was released from the Adelanto ICE detention center on April 3, 2020.
Oscar Holguin contracted COVID-19 from close contact and unsanitary conditions in a Riverside County Jail. Here, he describes the conditions and mistreatment he experienced while held inside the facility.
Kelvin was transferred to ICE and held at the Adelanto ICE detention center, where he was separated from his family and afraid for his health.
Briseida Salazar was detained at ICE's Otay Mesa detention center in a unit where a woman tested positive for COVID-19. She feared she would never see her family or her one-year-old son again.
Sofia Bahena was released from the Mesa Verde ICE detention center, where she was denied medical attention and separated from her family.
AAPI Heritage Month
This portrait series featuring AAPI civil rights leaders and activists was created for the ACLU of California's celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May 2020. Click on a portrait for more information about each subject's work to advance intersectional social change.

Pride 2020 #BlackLGBTQLivesMatter
This portrait series honors California-based Black trans and queer activists working for Black liberation and futures as part of ACLU SoCal's celebration of Pride in June 2020.

Annual Report 2020
This year, ACLU SoCal Annual Report was designed as a poster to highlight the affiliate's work in a year of ongoing abuse of immigrants in ICE detention during the COVID-19 pandemic, mass protests against police violence, demands for education equity and workplace accommodations for pregnant and lactating dockworkers, championing the voting rights of parolees, and defending the first amendment rights of humanitarian activists working at the U.S.-Mexico border.